About Peter Hess

Peter Hess


Peter Hess ® Sound Massage or sound bath is a holistic approach that makes use of sound and vibration to achieve a

Peter Hess is considered a pioneer in the field of singing bowls application, he has been developing the Peter Hess ® Sound Massage method since 1984.

Peter began his career as an engineering, with an interest in teaching & psychology, inspired by non- western approach to health and forms of healing.

The whole idea of Peter Hess sound massage came Peter’s experiences in Nepal, India and Tibet. Fascinated by the power of sound and the influence on the human body.

Peter Hess® therapy Singing Bowls are manually produced in a time-honoured tradition made from 12 different metals. The alloy also contains a small piece of an old singing bowl that serves as a symbolic carrier of ancient knowledge.

The Bowls are subject to quality control of their vibrational and acoustic properties by specialized engineers who ensure that the bowls supplied to practitioners and are of proven therapeutic quality.

There are now 22 Peter Hess® academies worldwide. With many thousands of students taking sound massage training from seminars to practitioner level.

Different instruments produce different sounds, each having a unique yet profound effect on a person. Time and again, sound therapy has proven that it can help individuals resolve imbalances in their mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. Sound massage is perfect for people who are not comfortable with physical touch, those that refuse to take prescription medications to reach a calm state, and those who enjoy various sound patterns.

Scientific Research & Studies

Click on the following to download these research Papers about the effects of Sound from the Peter Hess® Institute Germany: